Wednesday 18 May 2011


The early cold snap brought cold feet, even in the normally mild Wollstonecraft unit. Needing warmth for toes, and not wanting to spend a huge amounts on Ugg boots, I thought I'd keep an eye out for some slippers. And the Camden Presbyterian Church obliged with their Saturday morning White Elephant stall. And some gorgeous pink fluffy slippers "never used", but they've been in a cupboard for a long time.

They were there just waiting for me, and they actually work. But I do agree with Rosie, they are quite embarrasing. But they belong on my feet. And the bent bow is the left foot.

OK, I admit, I have no idea how to post this with the font I want, and the photos going where I want them. Looks like it is You tube or niece helpline before this goes public. Otherwise the formatting police will be on to me.

But the slippers will keep my feet warm in the meantime.

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