Thursday 9 February 2012

Shelf Life

This blog is unashamedly drawn from Phillip Adams piece in the Weekend Austtalian Magazine. I'm sure if I credit him, I can reproduce his words.

"And yet I cling to my library, filling many a room, shelves buckling beneath the weight of 40,000 books, the accumulation of almost 70 years of reading".

40,000 books sounds a little exaggerated to me. Maybe I'm just envious...

"I've got 'em all, pretty much every book I've ever read... Once upon a time a library that large would have been worth a fortune. Now it's little more than landfill. Even local libraries don't want the books I can't house as gifts."

He goes on to decry the Kindle, which I won't include since I am not only using one, but also considering buying Amazon shares since they have the genius of my son-in-law working for them which should auger well for the share price.

His piece finishes with these lovely words:

"And if you have books, keep them. If you die, have them buried with you just as a Chinese emporer entombed his wives and eunuchs. For books are the sleepers on the railway of life, the pickets in the fence of your history, the bricks with which you've built your brain."

Sigh. Wish I could write words like this.

I love books. xx

And my Kindle :-)

Thanks Phillip.

1 comment:

  1. I skipped the Phillip Adams bits- I don't read or listen to him. I read books on my I Pod, and enjoying it-revisiting D.H. Lawrence- a left over remainder from my youth, don't need a Kindle.
