Ah, joy, Blogger has changed again. Let's see if I can make it work...
Saturday 14th July was Kim's 60th birthday. He knew something was going to happen, but he didn't expect this! I aged 30 years overnight, while Kate had a quick sex change (and possibly a political awakening). Rosie was in the role of recent bride, and I'm guessing Jann does not have a huge amount in common with Camilla.
Kim saw the face of royals, and the legs of loved ones.
Kiss me Kate.
Great pic. I have to say the orange stockings don't look so bad in the photos. In real life, they looked like a self tanning project gone wrong. But they did match the scarf. And I'll lay some of the blame on Kass!
Happy snap!
The lovely McBride ladies.
This is such a great photo. For all the surprises Kim had that night, he was gracious, calm and composed. And very happy to have his family with him.
I have to say, Di did a brilliant job of organising the surprise. Well planned, plotted and executed. But things did start to unravel towards the end. Fearing a large party would mean Buddy (the labrador) may be hard to look after, she told Kim they would be going away for a night, hence Buddy would be looked after by her parents. Kim was asked to pack an overnight bag for a surprise night away. He obligingly complied. But he thought it odd when he saw the bag that Di had packed for the occasion. It didn't ring true.
Busted, Di.
It was an amazing celebration for Kim's 60th, to have Kate back from a year in Kenya, Matt and Rosie visiting from Seattle, and Jann joining in from London, with the Queen's 60th jubilee fresh in her mind. Kim's speech (obviously unrehearsed) was a fitting tribute to those present and demonstrated his love and appreciation of family, friends, and loved ones. And the night ended in a decent jam session. Talented musicians all, and the mandolin was a hit. Happy 60th Kim!