Wednesday, 1 June 2011

Cooking in reverse

Am I the only person who has not only not read "The Da Vinci Code" and also cannot work out how to use Blogger? I have just uploaded photos for this post, and the browser posted them in reverse! So we have a cooking explanation in reverse. You have here a Hollandaise Sauce just about perfect. And in a few minutes of inattention, it split, but strangely, I didn't get a photo of that.

I chose the recipe because I had all the ingredients on hand, unsalted butter, eggs and lemon juice.

If I could edit this program better, I would delete the photo following!

And just use the one below, showing the cookbook. I can't recall which op shop I bought it in, but it is a 1973 publication and it actually has some good home cooking in it. There will be more cooking from it.

And, right at the start of the photos, that is the end of the blog. Sigh, shall have to revert to "Blogger for Dummies".